Apartments Under $900 in Orlando, FL

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      Apartments Under $900 in Orlando, FL

      Apartments Under $900

      5 Ways To Save Money In Your New Orlando Apartment

      Saving money can be hard when moving into a new apartment. The excitement you feel for your new home can sometimes turn into splurging on new furniture, new decor, and signing up for more services than needed. It can be challenging, but there are ways to keep money in your wallet during this fun time. Here are a few tips to saving in Orlando apartments under $900:

      Get thrifty.

      Having a new apartment to move into doesn't mean that you should go splurge on the nicest decor and furniture you can find. Sometimes you can find amazing deals on like-new pieces on sites like Ebay, Craigslist, or on local Facebook swap pages. You can also check out local thrift stores. Shopping secondhand is like an adventure. You never know what you will find. Not to mention it is a ton of fun to repurpose secondhand items, like reupholstering a vintage chair or distressing a dresser. It is an inexpensive way to make your apartment space your own for a fraction of the cost, bringing you closer to your goal of finding cheap Orlando apartments under $900. Or, you can look for a fully-furnished apartment. This way the work is already done for you, except for the fact that you won't get to bring it with you the next time you move.

      Be more energy efficient.

      There are many ways you can be more energy efficient. You can start by replacing the regular lightbulbs in your apartment with energy efficient ones. You can also set up timers for your air conditioning, or utilize the windows for fresh air on nicer days. Challenge yourself to use less energy over the next few days. Use natural lighting, take shorter showers, and use only what you must. These are just a start. For more tips, Energy Star has compiled a list of 10 tips for renters regarding energy efficient apartments.

      Reevaluate your extras.

      There are a lot of extras you can add when moving into your new Orlando apartment. Take a moment to reevaluate the extras you really need. Will you actually be using cable, or will you just be using Netflix? Or vice versa? Do you really need the fastest Wi-Fi possible? Extras add up quickly, so in order to stay in your range of apartments under $900, you will have to be mindful of the "little" upgrades that can become a whole other bill in itself. Another option is to look for all-inclusive apartments. These apartments will include your cable and utilities in the rent, leaving you with one less thing to worry about.

      Find a roommate.

      Some people like to live alone, while others like to live with peers for social or financial reasons. Either way, there is no denying the fact that finding a great roommate can significantly reduce the costs of living in an apartment and make your search for apartments under $900 much easier. Not only will you be able to split rent and utilities, but if you are close enough, you can split things like groceries and decor. Some apartments offer roommate matching, but if your apartment does not, you could always ask friends or (safely) do an online search.

      Ask about apartment specials.

      Many apartments will offer specials throughout the year. These will help you stay in the range of your budgeted rent of apartments under $900. Some apartment offer discounts for preferred employers or students. Some even offer an incentive for referring friends to the apartment community. It can never hurt to ask a leasing agent at your apartment if they have any specials going on that you can take part in.

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