Apartments near Stetson University at Celebration

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Apartments near Stetson University at Celebration

Stetson University Center at Celebration

Do you want to live in Celebration? Of course you do! Not only do you get to live in a walkable community literally just down the street from Mickey Mouse, but you also can find your new home a few minutes away in one of the many apartments near Stetson University Center. If you're looking for a new place to call your own while you or one of your loved ones work(s) toward a degree, you don't have to look any further!

Stetson University Center at Celebration Apartments: Lease Types

You may be wondering what kind of leases you can find in Stetson University Center apartments. The answer is all sorts. Celebration is separated into different areas that are known as "villages." You can find all kinds of apartments, town homes, condos, houses, and single-family residences to choose from. Leases can generally be discussed with your landlord to find something that works for you.

You really can't go wrong with wherever you pick because Celebration Avenue, the main road of the city, makes for easy traveling to and from Stetson University Center apartments for classes and meetings. In fact, the center is conveniently placed right there at 800 Celebration Ave, Suite 104! No matter where you choose to call your new home, you won't be very far away at all.

Stetson University Center at Celebration Apartments: Features and Amenities

Not only is the location of apartments near Stetson University Center prime due to their proximity, but Celebration also offers so much in terms of the many perks you get from living there. There are several parks, a golf course, and a lake available for when you want to get outside, as well as the Town Center for when you have shopping to do. Many of the Stetson University Center apartments offer access to clubhouses, pools, gyms, and restaurants - some even include concierge service and a day spa! The community center also offers free classes hosted by clubs, which range from cooking to gardening and art to technology.

Garbage pickup is done in narrow streets behind buildings to keep sidewalks and home fronts looking their finest, and utilities are taken care of underground. Just because you want to live in one of the apartments near Stetson University Center doesn't mean you can't also have all the amenities you're looking for! If you're concerned about specific features, be sure to check at our database on or call the leasing team at the particular place you're interested in.

More about Stetson University Center at Celebration Apartments

Celebration is a quaint and charming area to find apartments near Stetson University Center. You can enjoy the seasonal decorations, the bustling downtown, and the countless events that Celebration hosts every year. All of this, and you still can live just down the street from Stetson University Center on Celebration Avenue. A graduate degree from Stetson and a lovely place to live - what else could you hope to find?

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