Safety Features to Look for in UCF Apartments

Moving to a new UCF apartment can be both thrilling and overwhelming. It’s natural to crave a sense of safety when transitioning to a new home, but you might not be sure which security features to prioritize. To make things easier, we’ve compiled a list of essential safety features to look for when selecting your new apartment. With these considerations in mind, you can enjoy peace of mind and focus on the excitement of your move.

Gated Apartment Entrance

One of the first security features college students look for are gated apartments. Gates provide students an added sense of security knowing that there is a greater control of those entering and leaving the apartment complex. The gates typically have either a button or car sticker that once scanned allows residents into the apartment complex. However, not all gates use the same system for guest access. Therefore, before choosing an apartment complex with this security feature be sure to understand the difference between the two gate systems in order to pick which works best for you.

  • Gate Box: This gate feature has an electronic box that has contains a list of all the current residents. Your guest would then either scroll through to find your name or individually look you up. Once your name is selected, your visitor would then press a button that automatically calls you on your cell phone. The visitor will only be granted entrance to the complex if you answer the phone and press a key that opens the gate (the call will allow you to ask who is trying to enter the apartment complex by talking to them directly). With this system, you have total control of the visitors you allow into your apartment complex from wherever you are.
  • Keypad: This type of gate is great if you plan on having many guests over. Unlike the gate box, the keypad simply requires a specific password that the apartment complex gives to each resident. You would then tell your friends or family that password and they are given direct access to the complex after punching the code into the keypad. This is more convenient if you do not want to answer the phone every time you have a guest over.

Roaming Security

Off-campus housing near UCF may have security guards that roam the community. This security feature adds a layer of protection to your living environment and is generally a deterrent for crime. The courtesy officers will operate the front gate or patrol the community at preset hours of the day and/or night, especially when the front office is closed. Every community has different schedules for roaming security, so be sure to check with the leasing office to see if this security feature is available at your future apartment and to check on the patrol schedule.

Security Cameras

UCF Security cam

Many apartment communities have security cameras to survey residents and visitors alike. Security cameras are a great safety feature to consider when looking for apartments because they tend to deter people from engaging in criminal activity since they know they are being recorded and will be held accountable for their actions.

If your apartment does not have security cameras installed, consider buying a Ring Doorbell, specifically the Outdoor Stick Up Cam. This device will show you exactly who is outside your apartment and will document what is happening. Additionally, knowing there is a camera will likely scare intruders away due to the fear of being recorded. Some apartments also offer alarm systems as another form of security.

Key Cards

If you have lived in a UCF dorm before, this will be very familiar to you. Key cards are an added layer of security that comes in different forms. Apartment keycards can be similar to a dorm or hotel building in the sense that there is a digital lock on the doors outside the building that require the keycard to be granted access into the building.

There are also keycards that are only required once inside the building. For example, you may find a keycard needed to enter the elevator, staircase, or hallway. This limits the access of non-residents inside the building.

At the very least, all buildings have a keycard or physical key to enter your apartment. Additionally, it is common for college apartments to have keylocks for each individual's room so that if you want to go home the weekend for example, you will have peace of mind knowing that your personal items will remain untouched while you are away.

Street Light

Well Lit Exteriors

Proper exterior lighting as a security feature can sometimes be overlooked. However, when considering your apartment make sure to asking about lighting! It is important to know you will feel safe walking at night and not have to worry about tripping over poorly lit curbs.

Feeling secure in your apartment community is exceptionally important! Make sure to have an in-depth discussion with the apartment complex about security features before signing your lease in order to truly have a peace of mind at your new place.

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