Apartments with Corporate Units in Orlando, FL

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Apartments with Corporate Units in Orlando, FL

Corporate Units Available

Orlando attracts many major national employers thanks to the area's vibrant culture, countless suburbs, and great schools. If you're relocating to Orlando for a new job and want to try out a new area of town, renting a corporate unit is a great way to get familiar with an area. If you're looking for a short-term stay to test out a new area of town, you may want to check out apartments near these major local employers:

Apartments near Florida Hospital
Apartments near Lockheed Martin
Apartments near Disney World
Apartments near Universal Studios

Or, perhaps you're traveling here on business. Because of the demands of business today sometimes require weeks or even months at a time in different areas, corporate units provide businesses with more affordable alternatives to long hotel stays. Fully furnished apartments provide a more comfortable and home-like living experience than the transient day-to-day nature of hotels. There are many apartment complexes and rental properties in and around the city of Orlando that offer corporate unit leasing options at competitive rates. Many of these are located near major roads and highways, to place employees and executives in easy-to-find central locations that are not far from business locations or corporate offices. These areas are usually proliferated by restaurants and other service industries to attract travelling employees in the area on business.

The Cost of Short Term Housing

Although the cost of corporate housing is generally higher than regular rent, it often includes utilities and other services catered towards short-term corporate leasing not available with regular leases. It is also much cheaper than signing a long-term lease and only using the unit for a short temporary period. Corporate units generally come fully furnished so you can get right to business without worrying about setting up your apartment unit. Housekeeping services are often provided that help keep the apartment units clean so employees don't need to bother with the day to day distractions of cleaning up their units.

Corporate Housing Lifestyle

Employees will appreciate the lifestyle corporate units offer them compared to living in hotels or motels. When they get home from work, they can relax and turn on the TV or use the internet without the obnoxious pay-for-pay features some hotels use. Apartment units feel more home-like and less sterile than a hotel. Children or family members can stay as well, often in their own bedrooms. Fully functional kitchens allow plenty of options for guests to cook and prepare their own meals, without expensive room service or hotel restaurants. Corporate units also make great spots for meetings and conferences without the use of an additional office. Some units can even be designated as office units, often adjacent to live-in corporate units. Luxury corporate units are options to consider for executives and other high level personnel within larger companies. The cost of these luxury corporate units exceeds the cost of standard corporate units but provide larger apartments in more choice locations, offering a better array of amenities.

Usually offered by specific property rental services or property management company, corporate units in apartment complexes are great for companies undergoing relocations, allowing the rapid relocation of specific employees and personnel to new or critical locations with minimal distraction and opportunity cost.

Corporate units are a great choice for both traveling employees and their employers. They offer short and mid-term housing for out-of-area business people at lower rates than hotels, while offering more of the comforts of a home. These corporate units often feature fully furnished apartments and well-equipped kitchens. Allowing the temporary residents to be as comfortable as possible as they settle into their daily routines allows them to direct their complete and undivided attention to their work. When these travelling employees are able to focus on their work, it gives them more freedom to relax during their free time and avoid the many inconveniences of a transient lifestyle. Corporate Units are available at many apartments in Orlando, you can browse these on the site.

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