Living Green in Your Orlando Apartment
There are plenty of ways to make your new apartment green and save some of the green stuff in the process. Some of the most effective ways to make your apartment and life more green are simple choices you make everyday. Good news for you, many of the luxury apartment options in Orlando already come with green features like energy efficient appliances and efficient air conditioning units. There are still actions you can take to be more efficient - here a couple of simple tips that you can do to make your apartment even greener and save some cash.
- Check the thermostat. Your air conditioner/heater is the biggest energy consumer in your apartment. Adjusting the thermostat every one degree can save as much as 10% per degree on your electric bill. You can get really big savings by adjusting the thermostat if you will be gone from your apartment for multiple days at a time. Remember; do not shut the thermostat off as you want some air moving to keep the humidity from getting to high in the apartment.|
- Turn it off. Shutting off electronics and unplugging appliances not in use is an easy habit to form. Whenever something is "ON," it is using electricity; this increases your utility bill, increases your carbon footprint and creates more demand for electricity. Green up your apartment and lower your electric bill by unplugging when not in use.
- Walk, bike or use public transportation. This will require a little more time and planning to make sure you are on time for all your appointments. But the upside is huge; you get some exercise, save money on gas and maintenance of your car and the added satisfaction of reducing pollution. Get to know all the transportation resources available around your new apartment by checking out our resource pages transportation options for getting around Orlando and walking and biking options around Orlando apartments.
- It is time to enter the digital age. Save the planet as well as your new apartment from paper clutter. Most banks now offer free online bill payment with standard accounts. And many utility companies are switching over to electronic billing and statements. Credit card companies, newspapers, magazines, ticket sales and many others are following suit. Talk to each company that you receive regular mail from to see if they offer a digital equivalent.
- Change the bulbs. Replace incandescent bulbs with Compact Fluorescents (CFLs). CFLs
use less than 50% of the energy that incandescent bulbs need. CFLs will last as much as 10 times longer and they will emit less heat into your apartment – which will reduce the time your air conditioner must run. Note – hold on to the incandescents you replace and put them back when you move out. This will allow you take the much longer lasting CFLs with you to your next home.
With just a few simple changes you can make your apartment green, save money and be happy knowing you are helping the planet with a smaller carbon footprint.
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